Health, environment & safety

HSE - health, environment and safety

The goal is for all our employees to come home safe and sound at the end of the day. We endeavour to increase knowledge and commitment to our common work environment, safety and well-being, while motivating all employees to make the right and safe choices every day. Only together can we reduce the number of accidents and injuries towards the goal of zero.


Good health is a prerequisite for performing one's work in a good and safe way. We encourage wellness activities through wellness grants for our employees. The occupational health service provides tips and advice on, for example, suitable activities and gives dietary advice to each individual in connection with regular visits to their clinics. The feedback from these visits gives us indications of how our employees are feeling and what areas we can improve in.

Thermion operates a zero-tolerance policy on alcohol and other drugs. It is not permitted to come to the workplace under the influence or to use alcohol or drugs in the workplace. Everyone in the company is obliged to act if any form of abuse is discovered. We then offer support and help in the form of motivational, treatment and aftercare programmes through the occupational health service.

Occupational health and safety

There are many factors that affect our health, environment and safety at work. Noise, stress, chemical risks and ergonomics are some of the important factors in the installation industry. Our employees work on sites in the process industry and on construction sites where high demands are placed on preparation, planning, execution and co-operation.

Achieving a good working environment and a safe workplace requires close co-operation with our customers and subcontractors, but also with other stakeholders at our sites. Our endeavour is to create a consensus and understanding between all parties and their employees, building long-term relationships - both business and personal - where we respect and care for each other at all levels.

A good and safe working environment is not only about physical factors, but also about our behaviour and the organisational and social working environment; showing consideration and respect for all employees, having a workload with the possibility of recovery, and showing zero tolerance for victimisation. All our employees should enjoy their work, and honesty, communication and transparency are important keywords to achieve this.


Our shared environment and how we treat it is an issue that concerns us all. We closely follow ongoing developments and adapt our activities in line with current regulations and recommendations and are constantly looking for new opportunities for improvement. Read more about our work on sustainability here.

Our core business of technical insulation is a significant factor in energy efficiency and energy savings, as properly installed insulation ensures that heat and cold reaches its destination with minimal losses.

Working methods

To help us in our work on health, environment and safety, we have compiled rules, policies and procedures in a handbook that is easily accessible to all employees via our internal digital information portal Beework.

Risks at work are identified and minimised through regular risk assessments at all levels of the organisation. In addition, employees have a personal risk assessment to help them in their daily work.

Selected parts of the work environment work are distributed in an annual wheel where our department heads and project managers are responsible for implementation. Everything is supported, checked and followed up by the HSE manager. An annual summary is then made at both departmental and company level. Improvement measures are developed and included in action plans for management.

Information to our employees is provided, for example, through regular workplace meetings, reports and Beework. Training in health, environment and safety takes place continuously both digitally and teacher-led. Requirement training such as hot work, mobile work platforms, fall protection, etc. is carried out, registered and updated continuously.

We work digitally with incident reporting, investigations, work environment surveys and risk assessments using the IA system. Everything is easily accessible to all our employees via mobile app and PC.

Thermion has an internal resource of experts in the field of health, environment and safety and, if necessary, external resources such as occupational health services are used.