

Why whistleblowing?

At Thermion, we endeavour to have an open and transparent workplace, where misconduct should not occur. By providing you with the opportunity to whistleblow, we maintain this together. We use the Visslan whistleblowing channel which ensures your anonymity and high security and which you can access by clicking here: https://thermion.visslan-report.se/ 


Who can report?

Simply put, you can report misconduct if you are or have been working at Thermion. If you are unsure, we encourage you to read more in our whistleblowing policy.


What can be reported?

We encourage you to blow the whistle if you suspect misconduct within the company and it is in the public interest to bring it to light. If you are unsure, we encourage you to read more in our whistleblowing policy. You do not need proof of your suspicion, but all reports must be made in good faith.


How is reporting handled?

The reporting is handled confidentially. All irrelevant personal data will be deleted, and the case will only be kept for as long as necessary. Our cases are handled by Advokatfirma Lindahl to ensure independent handling of cases.


Do you have more questions?

If you want to know more about our handling of whistleblowing cases, personal data or health and safety issues, read our whistleblowing policy.
